Nebra Tene
Roaming Blades
Posted - 2013.06.09 19:31:00 -
[1] - Quote
agustis caesar wrote:you people are hilarious. The games been released for what, a month? Oh, it sucks, it wont last one year blah blah blah. Its FREE, what are you bitching about? EVE was no where near what it is now upon release (I know, I was there). you had cruisers, frigates, battleships and mining (not the hulk) ships, and the cargo ships, that was it. Now look at all the ships now. We only had t1 gear. at peak time there was at most 1500 logged in.
You people have no faith. You guys also seem to think that making a great game is so easy....Its a wonder not every game out there is great. So many turds get relesed every year. why? Isnt it easy? How many games have you created?
haters gonna hate.
J0HNNY BLAZE wrote:well look at how ***** eve started off and look at where they are now.. im sure this game will pick up
Yes, Eve started poorly and now its a decent game, but you have to keep in mind: - it was TEN YEARS, just think about how long that is... - EVE is not a shooter or a console game. - That EVE was a success does NOT in any way, shape, or form guarantees that DUST will be as successful or successful at all, even in such time, contrary to popular belief, EVE is not DUST, and they're two completely different games that share some elements. - "Oh but DUST won't take that long" Oh ok, so we only have to wait a year to have the game fixed, 2 more to add in all the cool fun stuff that was promised a year ago, 1 more to fix what the cool stuff broke, then another 3 to bring in all the cool stuff they're talking about now, hooray...? (Not necessarily in that order of course, they'll be working on adding stuff while fixing stuff, but all the fixing is going to take some time and cause delays.)
Also keep in mind Dust has already been what, years in BETA and who knows how long in ALPHA? Even with that, look how it ended up in release!
No its not horrible or the worst game ever, I'd say its about average with A LOT of problems. So where did all ambition and those years in the making go to?
Now its mostly delay after delay with a promise of "a better future," while the game has actually gotten worse than it used to be...
"Oh if you don't like it, go play another game." That my friends is really the most useless response you can give and shows you truly don't care about the game and are just blindly following it. No, defending the game does not make you a "fanboy" or a blind follower, just ignoring everything and trying to send away anyone who shows any sign of displease with the game, does.
Same, anyone who shows displease at the game's "CURRENT state does not automatically make them a hater, yes there are haters and same as the blind fanboys, simply ignoring what everyone says and saying "lolol this game sux, y u still play?" kind of response does.
"Oh but its free to play, don't complain" You are correct that this game is free to play, that is true, BUT you forget there's many people who HAVE paid money be merely for support or not, do these people not have a right to show displease with the product they've invested money on?
J0HNNY BLAZE wrote:lot of people hate cause this is game is no where near like call of duty.. meaning the noob aim system they have in COD.. this game doesn't cater to the noob like players and you cant be good at this game over night that's what makes this game good to me,,like any mmo you gotta get your skills and gear up first before you can try and go heads up or last in a pc match.. sorry most of you players are hateing it right now but for me im a counter strike vet so this game system I like just the way it is..over 6k players play on a daily basis I think that's not bad so far...yeah they should of kept the game in beta still but ehh what can you do.. bottom line I believe in ccp's track record and I think this game will be just fine
If it was JUST people that played and adored COD the ones that complain, don't you think they would've gone back to playing CoD already instead of actually taking the time to write about what they dislike of the game in hopes it is an actual problem? Yes, not all the complain threads are useful or actual feedback, but that doesn't mean everyone who complains is a "hater."
Also that YOU like certain aspects of the game does not make it perfect or that no one has a right to complain about those things just because you personally like it, you forget this is an online game with thousands of players, you have to be more open minded.
As I said, don't get me wrong, I like the game as much as the next Duster, but that does not mean the game doesn't have tons of problems, bugs, or that it isn't broken as heck. One can like the game and still admit its in pretty bad shape, as I said before, people who complain are not necessarily "haters."
TL;DR: - TEN YEARS, that's a long time. - EVE =/= Dust. - Dust may have been officially out for just a month, but its been in development for years and we still have to wait many more for it to be decent/ "reach its potential." - People that defend Dust aren't always blind fanboys, people who complain about Dust aren't always haters. - "Its F2P don't complain" is not the case for everyone, a lot of people have invested money on the game,
(PS: @BLAZE & caesar, this is mostly a response to those kind of comments from everyone in general since those arguments are used somewhat commonly, not trying to target you two specifically with most of my response except for a few areas, |